Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Started out the week in a great mood!!! Got all my things done on my TO-DO List!!! Not missing Facebook at all, just a little weird! I find myself thinking of status updates and then realizing I don't have anywhere to post it ;)
Today was first day watching our Neighbors little girl! She is 2 1/2 months old, and so precious! A very good little girl always so happy! Wyatt really does like her, he spent about 1/2 hour watching her when she first came this morning! I'll be watching her part time for now! We are excited! Here are a few Pics I've taken in the last little while!

MMm Cookie dough

Mine to lick!!! :)

Helping me bake cookies!

He wouldn't eat his supper one night, so after supper he went outside and decided the dirt was alot better then mommy's cooking!! Stinker

Norwex sent me a package!!!! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I can't believe he can sit in that box. Silly boy.
